Wednesday 26 September 2012

bluebell progress

Film of works on the Bluebell extension. I remember when this was first mooted the 'it'll never happen' brigade had a field day! Now they are almost at East Grinstead again. Bear in mind that the Bluebell also own the trackbed of the Ardingly branch which suggests a future Haywards Heath extension (would be great if it was re-electrified) the Bluebell has still not reached its full extent.

And then of course there is Lewes ... by getting back there the Bluebell would tap into a huge extra market of people staying at the seaside. Okay, so nowadays most of them arrive by car at Sheffield Park, but who will be driving in ten years' time?

Incredible as it may seem the Bluebell, once the iconic pure heritage railway, may start morphing into a community railway once the network is complete, which will give it a resilience it never had as a short isolated steam 'ride'. The link to the network at East Grinstead will be the most important thing it has ever done - so imagine the utility of three network links! It could become a diversionary freight route in the future for example, swelling the Bluebell's coffers during those parts of the year tourists are thin on the ground.

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