Friday 13 September 2013

omega mail

The Daily Mail, to those of you that don't know it, is a rather bland comic for adults with learning difficulties. It rarely resorts to using words of more than one syllable, and paints a peculiar view of the world which seems to have absolutely no relation to reality. It's policy is socialism, intolerance and ignorance, and it embraces these concepts with an enthusiasm that is breathtaking.

It detests its readers. It considers them to be stupid and scared. It assumes they never interact with the world beyond twitching the curtains.

And what a world it paints! Criminals (usually foreign) lurk in every corner, the country has lost its way, politicians merely exist to make things worse, teenagers and the workshy are stealing their money ... and they are coming for you! Every real and imagined danger is built up to hysterical daftness, they want you to stay indoors and never go out.

Frightening people is what they do. But they frighten about all the wrong things. The things people SHOULD be frightened about they pretend isn't happening.

Their latest mad stunt is to claim that the world is COOLING down. This is based on a purely spurious figure (for ONE summer!!) that suggests the Arctic ice cap isn't melting quite so quickly as it has been, to them this means that we are heading to another Ice Age!! This rubbish is actually published by them, who knows, some people may even believe it!

Of course none of this stops the ice melting. Whilst the area of ice may be a little larger than last year, it's volume continues to decline. It has been doing that for years.

Now think about this. One (false) reading and the Mail immediately jumps to the conclusion that the world is cooling. Yet years of figures going the other way is irrelevant. You couldn't make it up!

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