Well we're there - General Election (UK) 2015. All I will say is vote Green.
I do think it's going to be a groundbreaker, as it's the first election where the 'smaller' parties are the key and the big parties (Tory, Labour, LibDem) are on the sidelines. There's been growing disillusionment with British politics for years now, something that started in Scotland and Wales and has now spread over the whole country. That's no surprise. The Scots have felt disenfranchised for decades now, and the SNP have cleverly moved into the vacuum. It's a little different in Wales, but I think that confidence is growing there too, having a language isn't enough any more! The Cornish are forging ahead and here in Wessex we're starting to think of ourselves more as a nation than just a region, and why not?
The other important thing is of course the heady and deadly blend of climate change and falling EROEIs that are going to change absolutely everything for every one of us. Yet listening to the parties, with the small exception of the Greens, you'd think we were heading towards some sort of utopia where the economy will continue to grow, where miraculous new (and cheaper) energy sources will appear and where illness, poverty, discrimination and disatisfaction will all be consigned to the history books.
It isn't all grim. This very change in our political structure gives hope that as the old toff mafia starts to vanish into history community based politicians with a gift for the hard sell will slip into the positions of power and influence that need to be handed over to people with a clue what's going on. The fracturing of the old UK will make this transition so much easier as the governed and the governers get closer to each other.
This'll be an election that does get into the history books but over the longer term the reason for that will change. It's the first small sign that we are beginning to 'get' what's almost upon us, and that we're not going to just roll over and be dead.
We've got this!
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