Friday, 25 August 2017

The life without money conceit

It's one of those sad little ramblings you see every now and then 'Imagine a world without money'. It's usually said by somebody who clearly a) doesn't understand how money works and b) has fucked up their life to such an extent they think that money is the cause of it all. It isn't.

The elite and their sheep are trying to push us towards a cashless society. That should set off warning bells right from the start! Why do they want to restrict our access to REAL money? Simple, control money and you control people. Our life's struggle should be to foil that plan at every opportunity. Not roll over on our backs and issue them an invite to do just that.

But the hardcore 'Imagine a world without money' types go a lot further. They want to outlaw all money. Now, think about this. What would happen on the very first day without money? Well I wouldn't bother to get up because I'd no longer have a business to run. If I couldn't sell I couldn't buy. So I could have a nice lie in, then pop down the shops to just grab everything I want  it's suddenly all free remember. But that lie in will be my downfall because everyone else will have beaten me to it and all I could grab would be a copy of Take a Break and perhaps some exotic herbs - everything else will have gone. And within a few days no new stock would come in because the companies that used to provide everything will have shut up shop because their cash flow will have suddenly vanished.

If this situation prevailed soon a self declared elite will simply allocate stuff according to their whims, favouring people they like and withholding from the rest of us. The rapid economic decline will resemble Brexit ...

Money is a unit of account, a store of wealth and a wonderful barrier against being forced to do what you don't want to do! It's probably the second finest tool we ever invented, after the plough. To hear people want to get rid of it chills me to the core.

We live in interesting times. How soon before some dictator somewhere puts this on their 'to do' list, and revisits the Khmer Rouge era, the only time this madness ever happened for real? 

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