Sunday 17 June 2007

'green' diesel for virgin

Ever the showman, buck-toothed ex-hippy Richard Branson - planner of the world's first commercial spaceflights and airline owner - has made one more great meaningless (and guilt ridden) gesture to the environment - fuelling one of his Virgin trains with biofuel.

Biofuel is one of the greatest environmental threats to the planet and should be avoided wherever possible. As well as needing huge fossil fuel inputs (often more than the energy got out) it also is already competing for land with food. It is purely a publicity stunt, showing just how worried people are about Peak Oil - even if they pretend it's a response to climate change!

For a superb critique of biofuel from someone who knows what he's talking about, click here.

If he really wants to do something belatedly for the environment Branson needs to look at wood-burning steam, ground his hideous aircraft and cancel all plans to export pollution to outer space.

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