Monday 11 June 2012

clearing trackbed trespassers!

Demolition of the Waverley RAILWAY, early 70s

Demolition of trackbed TRESPASSERS, 2012

We had quite a lot of discussion about trackbed trespassers - ie new build houses etc - on the New S&D blog, one particularly vociferous 'anti' claimed that we couldn't use compulsory purchase and, even if we did, nobody would take any notice of the orders!!

Back on planet Earth this is exactly what is happening on the Waverley route, now being rebuilt south of Edinburgh. Up to 60 houses have been purchased and are now being demolished to make way for the trains. This is something we will see all over the country in the coming years.

Anyone stupid enough to have purchased a house built on a railway trackbed only has themselves to blame for this sad state of affairs. Whatever possessed them to trespass in this way - surely the dullest person realises that where there was once a railway there will be a railway again? It's clear now that just about every rail closure from 1948 (and many earlier) were TEMPORARY. Why on earth was building ever allowed on these essential pieces of infrastructure?

The Waverley line was an insane closure, a double track main line providing an excellent alternative route between England and Scotland - and the only viable transport alternative in an average Scottish winter - closed against HUGE local opposition, robbing the large towns of Hawick and Galashiels from modern transport, not to mention dozens of smaller communities along the route and throwing the whole area a hundred years into the past - and all coordinated from London! What were they thinking?

The line had to reopened a few weeks after closure as all the roads were blocked by snow! Humiliated BR then quickly lifted a lot of the track, just so it could not be used again.

And then, years later, some idiots built NEW houses on the trackbed!! And bigger idiots went ahead and bought the houses, with the line not long lifted and an ever increasing demand for the line to be rebuilt.

Now of course it's happening. By 2014 this part of the Borders will once again have modern, fast transport. A few tacky 70s and 80s houses were hardly going to be a barrier, were they?

So if you know anyone daft enough to be a trackbed trespasser have a quiet word in their ear and get them to sell up now, to a bigger mug, because it won't be long before they will get an unwelcome (and very enforceable!) CPO through their letterbox!

More on the Waverley line here.


Eddystone said...

Great news from North of the Border-but while the rest of the country is fighting to retain its railways and even rejuvinate them from the turf upwards again there remains one notable exception.
The Remembrance Line Association have now for 4 years been fighting to save the Folkestone Harbour Branch. This line is largely intact and incorporates the recently listed iconic harbour viaduct and swingbridge. The branch is not being promoted as a heritage railway but as a railway with beneficial heritage. The RLA are up against the millionaire harbour owner/developer who wishes to close the harbour entirely, rip up the railway and build expensive flats on the main harbour apron. No proper thought has been given to using the railway to help re-establish a sea cat foot passenger service to Boulogne(who want the link)or to services the inhabitants of the proposed development-who will all be high salary earners commuting to London. They could have their own station-even if the harbour closed to shipping-the developer just doesn't get it. RLA even have their own money. The local authority and the developer are now openly working together-time is running short-we need any help we can get.

Chris Warren said...

Bet that guy who has built 'The Beechings'on the trackbed at Binegar is crapping himself!

Steve Sainsbury said...

Well it won't be too many years before the Midsomer Norton group tunnel through and start extending south of Chilcompton! The clue's in the name - Mendip Main Line Project, with Shepton-Radstock as the eventual aim. Surprised it's not already on the market - there may be a few mugs still out there who haven't heard that the S&D is being rebuilt throughout!

Steve Sainsbury said...

Why on earth was trackbed trespass allowed on a strategic main line like the S&D??

Anonymous said...

In. The. 1960s, a. Lot. Of. Influencial. People. Really. Thought. Trains. Were. Obsolete. And. Finished........the. fools. Could. Not. Imagine. 250mph. Electric. Trains.........oil. running. Out
Clogged. Roads.........etc. etc.

So, the. Railway. Track beds. Were. make. Doubly. Sure. That. No one. Else. Could. Run. Trains. Either!

It. Was. A. Conspiracy. By. The. Road. Lobby, no. Less. Much. The. Same. Happened. In. The. USA. In. The. 1930s.