Sunday, 13 April 2008

rail + cycle, never rail v cycle!

A dinosaur comment near Bitton, spotted this week. Whether it's the work of a petrolhead hippy, a demented cyclist, an ironic trainspotter or a NIMBY local, it's very wrong! (Notice also the spelling error). In reality rail and cycle are the twin drivers for future transport. Cycling is low or nil energy intensive, healthy and has no great impact on the environment. Rail will serve other uses - carrying large amounts of freight between communities and taking people further distances than they can cycle. In many cases rail and cycleway will run alongside each other.

I used to be very active in a rail reinstatement group, but there was a huge amount of suspicion about Sustrans. But Sustrans have a clear policy on rail reinstatement which I'm unable to improve on!

This is the Bristol-Bath cycleway, which is apparently the busiest in the UK. For about three miles the Avon Valley Railway runs alongside. This railway will inevitably link Bristol and Bath again in the future.

This is the Norton Radstock Greenway between the two towns. This is built on an old railway track and is level and popular with both walkers and cyclists. Hopefully one day it will link Frome with South Bristol again - with both bikes and trains. The Radstock-Midsomer Norton conurbation has a population of over 25,000 but, incredibly, has NO railway. Once both towns had two stations each. Midsomer Norton South station has been magnificently restored and trains should return to Radstock from the south within ten years. There are also plans to restore the line between Frome and Radstock.

Seen yesterday on the walkway, a friendly robin! You'd probably neither have the time or chance to photograph this on a road.
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