Wednesday, 9 April 2008


Too many blogs, that's my problem! Which explains the long gap between posts. But this one (formerly 'rail revival') is now about to relaunch!

Yesterday we went to our first Transition meeting, for Transition City Bristol. It was clear that here were a group of people that knew what they were talking about and who were willing to look positively at the HUGE changes that lie ahead for us all. They were as far removed from the tree-hugging hippy lefty stereotypes that often haunt 'environmental' groups as possible! These were business people, academics, family types, good solid level-headed characters all. But then there is a big gap between environmentalists and those of us that look beyond everyday mundane issues like recycling and towards the huge economic and structural changes that the end of cheap oil, coupled with wildly unpredictable weather, are going to bring.

Transition is currently very much a horizontal development, but to my mind it also needs vertical structures as well, offering expert information and ideas on the elements of the transition that will be of great importance - food production, law and order, education, health, protection from the elements and, of course, transport.

I think Transition Transport UK is the first development along these lines. At the moment it's just a facebook group and a blogsite - but it will grow, just like the Transition movement has!
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